
Websites: What's the Big Deal?

The Importance of Your Website
by Andy of Shutterhive 
The value of a photographer's website has never been higher. A huge portion of potential clients begin their search for a photographer online, through search engines and social networks. Your website is your opportunity to make an amazing first impresssion on these clients and land the job. Yet, so many photographers put off building the website that allows them to do just this.

Photography is a complex industry these days! As a photographer, you are responsible for wearing the hats of self-promoter, image creator, marketing mastermind, and graphic and web designer.

The problem is that great design isn't easy. Putting together something that visually appeals to you does not automatically equal a good design. Good design requires consideration that many users just aren't aware of. Like animated flash sites? Consider the fact that most mobile users will see nothing when viewing your site. Furthermore, programming and the technical aspect of building a website is not something a lot of people know how to do.

These days, there are plenty of options available to photographers when it comes to building websites. With the abundance of options, photographers now have the choice of so many solutions to building a website. The problem is that all of these sites are to some degree a collection of templates.

I founded a company called ShutterHive that seeks to address all of the web design needs of photographers. With photography expertise, we have answers to the quetsions and challenges that photographers face in constructing great designs.

One of the challenges that we have faced in gaining clients is the hesitance of clients to invest in their business. Many people that we speak with don't want to spend more than $200 or $300 on a website. Others have opted for less expensive templates in a way to reduce costs. This is a difficult barrier to overcome if a client does not believe in investing in their business. The truth is that building a website is one of the best investments

What will you do to stand out? What will you do that will set you apart? If your client's first interaction with you is landing on your website, is your site enough to book them as a client? Choosing templates that don't fit your style as a photographer

You should decide what your brand is, and choose a design group that is in touch with your needs.

How should a photographer spend their money when building a website? I have a few key beliefs that I believe ever photographer should follow while building a website.

If there is one value that I believe in as a web designer to photographers, it is the worth of a blog in a photographer's repertroire. The blog is your chance to reach potential clients on a personal level and connect with a way that a simple portfolio does not allow for.

More and more photographers are opting to carry a blog to share their latest shoots. This is a chance for your voice as a photographer to really cut through the noise and reach your clients. Blogging requires a commitment that isn't easy to make. If you let your blog fall by the wayside and neglect to post new content, visitors may believe that you are no longer in business.

Second, I believe in minimalistic sites. By this, I mean that sites should be built in a way that serves to complement your portfolio. Embellishments and decorations are wonderful, but make sure that your site isn't so full of them that it detracts from your work.

These tips, and many other factors, are the keys to constructing a site that will wow a potential client. Ultimately, there is no one way to build a site that will guarantee success. Working with a good designer is really the key to building a quality web product.

If you are interested in learning more about how to bring your photography business to life online, my company ShutterHive offers free consultation to every photographer, as well as some tips on how to improve!

Andy Hive
Lead Designer, ShutterHive


  1. Amen! My website was the first and most important investment in developing my branding I made and I don't regret one penny of it.

  2. Thanks for this post, you always have such helpful info!

  3. Thanks for the info, having just gone through this myself I know how confusing this all can be. Andy helped me think things through and even let me play on one of his subdomains before I made a decision.

  4. Your posts are always so informative, thank you! Looks like this is a great opportunity, I look forward to working with Andy!

  5. LOVE Andy at Shutterhive he has gotten us started and we are in the middle of a huge change on our site right now with him! Can't wait to share! He is so so right! Best thing we could have ever done! So happy!
