
Mommies Make the Best Marketers!

For me, the SpokesMom program is pretty simple.

As with any referral program, always remember not to give away the farm (in other words, not too much credit given for any one activity). Remember, when giving referral credit, it should be less than the lowest priced gift print, so they need to refer more than one person to get something "free" from the credit they've earned.

The perks I run are:

  • Free modeling session for advertising use (this is the super creative one, photographer vision lead, not catered to the client themselves)
  • Free Sessions (2 kids sessions and 1 family session)
  • 20% off every order, or 10% of the value of previous order in credit towards your next order (whichever is greater)
  • Free 4x5 magnet from every session
  • Facebook album from each session, which they can share, but not edit or distribute in any other way
  • $25 for every referral that books
  • $15 for every networking lead above their 3 required
  • A mommy themed item of their choice (tote, water bottle, necklace or t-shirt)

They get a preview book from the modeling session (proof level, so minimal retouch, watermarked images, and bound. 5x7 size
They get referral cards to hand out with their favorite image from the session. It gets the recipient a free facebook image, and 8 free wallets, plus 50% off their first session (new clients only).

They have to:

  • Allow use of the images for advertising
  • Write a review about the studio/photographer
  • Secure at least 3 network leads in the area 
  • Provide the email addresses of 30 mommys they know in the local area that would be likely to come to you
  • Post once a month about the studio, with their digital referral card as their profile pic

Yes, its a lot of freebies, but like I've said before, a referral program is an intentional loss leader. It's the best way to get word of mouth you can count on.

I add a lot of things here and there, but this is the basic overview. Keep an eye out, I'll be posting some of the materials soon!

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