
It's a Rep Sale!

Ok, so here goes. The "Rep 10-hour Sale". (I avoid using One Day Sale in any marketing/advertising. A big name retailer uses it and it now draws only those looking for brand name at garage sale prices - not the kind of clients we want, right?).

First, contact all your reps and find out when most of their friends are online or see FB. You only need a day, not the hours. Choose the most popular day. Give yourself at least a week to prep so you can email blast, prep your reps and they can hype it up to their friends.

How it works – Each rep chooses an image from the ones you've provided them (even better if it's a digital version of their rep card). It has to stay as their profile pic during the entire day. It has to have your logo on it (no cropping it out). They also change their status to your marketing message for the day.

Then they post the marketing picture (you provide this – a nice jpg with pictures and info about the special), and they share it/tag friends with all their friends on their page that are seniors within your target market. They also post a note with the marketing message you've sent them and share it with their friends as well (with a link to your Facebook page)

Note: Everything is about Urgent Call to Action. But don't sound sales-y.

The special I run is usually 50% off the session fee (more than the studio's current discount for regular clients, so they feel special), and 1 free Facebook image plus 16 wallets (this is what they get from the rep card anyways) if they call today, mention the 10 hour sale and book their session (pay their session fee). Depending on how much response I want, sometimes I do 3 Facebook images instead of 1.

Reps then earn a free sibling session for taking part in the promo (you can do credit or points, its up to you. The free session averages $500 sales when I use it). They also earn double credit for each referral that day only (huge call to action for them, and it pays off) … plus they can earn another Facebook image. Keep in mind, they don't get credit until the person is photographed.

A Facebook Status Messages for Reps: “Class of 2012 friends – I got my senior portraits done! Have you? I had the best experience ever, because I went to ________. Just for knowing me, they'll give you 50% off your session and a bunch of free stuff, but you have to call by 5pm today! Don't forget to tell them _______ told you to call!”

They can re-word it a little, but you need to approve it before they do. They should have their status message to you by the day before if they want to change it up so you can say yes or no.

Your image should include all of the sale info – details about session fees, when they have to call by, your facebook and webpage, etc.

Also let your reps know, if their friends leave a comment on your page during the week before, both that friend and the rep will be entered in a drawing for some great prizes (think free wallets, $10 iTunes gift card, etc). Hold the drawing every hour on the day of the sale and post winners – they have to be a fan to win.

The reps can compete against eachother as well, the rep that gets the most referrals booked that day wins a prize, too!

Then, be prepared for phone calls from an hour before the sale to a couple of hours after. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great idea. I just found your website today and am learning tons! Thanks for all the info!
