
Getting Yourself Started

This is a sample of the checklist I use when starting or re-structuring a photographer/studio. They're not in any particular order, but I find it's a good thing to use the checklist a few times over the course of those first couple of months and then years, just to make sure you're staying on track.

  • Business Plan
  •  Marketing Plan
  •  Business Name
  •  Logo
  •  Tag Line
  •  Market Research, local area
  • Benchmarks for progress created
  • Website Url
  •  Blog Url
  •  Facebook Page
  •  Marketing Calendar
  •  Promotional Pieces
  •  Branding Colors
  •  Branding Image Elements
  •  Photographic Style
  •  Target Markets
  •  Value Statement
  •  Inquiry Script
  •  Booking Script
  •  Booking Policies
  •  Sessions
  •  Agreements
  •  Presentation and Ordering Process
  •  Vendors Chosen
  •  Studio Management Software
  •  Business License and EIN set up
  •  Accounting Software Chosen
  •  Product Line
  •  Pricing
  •  Packages and Presentation of Prices
  •  Email Marketing Host
  •  Email Marketing Database
  •  General Advertising Piece created
  •  Business Cards
  •  Senior Rep Program
  •  Moms Rep Program
  •  Bank Account Set Up
  •  Merchant Account for accepting Credit Cards
  •  Cancellation Policies
  •  Ordering Policies
  •  Finished Order/Delivery Process
  •  Customer Retention Program
  •  Reorder Specials
  •  Yearbook coordination
  •  Digital Image Policy and Agreements
  •  Modeling Releases
  •  Word Bank (for ads, marketing, facebook, web)
  •  Web Designer and Host
  •  Email Communications written for each part of the process
  •  Workflow process created
  •  Critiques on all of your pages before launching
  •  Social Media facets identified and branded with purpose – not repetitive
  •  Idea Bank created (ongoing list of go-to ideas)
  •  Inventory of props and supplies
  •  Reviews from past clients on hand
  •  Client review process created

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