
Are You Overwhelmed?

If this business didn't get overwhelming, we wouldn't be pushing ourselves past our comfort points, past our limitations and past what was easy - and there would be no possibility for growth and expansion and amazing-ness in our future. We would always be stagnant and never dynamic. We would be a rock. And I don't want to be a rock.

I think sometimes when it is overwhelming like this, as hard as it is to think, that's when we need to realize that it means we are doing it right. That we're making the right moves. When the obstacles and the insurmountable things are thrown in our path to make us rethink and doubt, that should be our "ah-ha" moment to go, yep, something is trying to get me to fail. That's when it's our choice to either fail because we stop trying, or take another step on the path to success regardless of the overwhelming feeling.

At some point in our life, we are imperfect at everything we have ever tried to do. We work within our imperfection through the overwhelming moments and into incredible growth that allows not only our businesses to explode and succeed, but ourselves too. Beyond any potential we could have ever imagined.

Graphic Design by Stacee Taft Photography at DesignBin Studios

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  1. Your post could not have come at a better time. Thank you!

  2. So true! I have been ready to quit a few times because of feeling overwhelmed. Then right when the final straw hits, something amazing happens to make me think.."Wow, am I glad I didn't quit when I wanted to!" So I've decided that when I feel overwhelmed again I'm going to take that as a sign that good things are coming :-)

  3. Hi Kate...this is an encouraging post!
