
Kristie Bradley Photography -- Featured Photographer, week 1

Kristie Bradley Photography
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Kristie, a Virginia lifestyle photographer, is thrilled to be entering her second year in business. “The last year has been a whirlwind filled with many ups and downs, lessons learned and moments of sheer happiness”. 

Read more about Kristie and her photography in the interview below.

Tell us more about what inspired you to start your business?
I have always loved photography and was drawn to landscape and floral images. After a while I wasn’t feeling inspired and my photography fell to the wayside. I began teaching (which I love) and felt like there was more for me in my own photography.

My sister was my inspiration. She began photographing when her son was born and started her own business. We really enjoyed talking photography and sharing ideas and tips with each other. I saw what I was missing in her enjoyment. 

A few years later, after some planning, research and designing I launched Kristie Bradley Photography and haven’t looked back!

What equipment do you use?
I am an on location natural light photographer, but I daydream about owning my own small studio someday. Images of Organic Bloom frames (my new favorite product) and huge windows dance through my head on a daily basis! For now though my bag consists of:
Nikon D90
50mm 1.4
24-70mm 2.8
An assortment of reflectors
I keep it all in my Kelly Moore Bag! (well not the reflectors)

What is unique about what you do and what you offer?
I would like to think that what makes me unique is my customer service and personal touch and attention I give to each of my clients. I try to find original locations for shoots, spend some time with my clients to choose outfits and help them design wall displays for their home. This seems to be a characteristic of small boutique photography businesses and in my area I hope to stand out in that market. My clients are like friends and I get to know them and want them to be ecstatic over their images and the experience.

Do you have a favorite session?
I have been loving the high school senior sessions and have a few that are on the top of the list. However, I have had the opportunity to be a part of a very special event, The American Cancer Society’s Cure by Design Fashion Show of Survivors. I am so honored to be a part of this and was elated to be asked to photograph the Featured Model for 2011. This amazing husband and father of three has such a positive attitude and fighting spirit. Meeting people like him make my job more amazing than I could have imagined.

Best advice that you have been given regarding your business.
Don’t give away your work, believe in your work or no one else will.
This is the hardest and most helpful advice I have gotten. It is so easy, especially when starting out, to want to give discounts and free sessions. What I learned was that if you give it away to a friend that friend will always expect that discount or freebie and won’t ever want to pay full price. Your work is being devalued. You have to value your work, time and talent.

Five fun facts about you.
1) I would eat ice cream for every meal if I could!

2) I believe laughter is an essential ingredient in life and my son provides me with giggles and belly laughs on a daily basis (love him!)

3) I love the beach, but am afraid of what is in the water...haha

4) My dream vacation would be a trip to Fiji with my husband

5) I have an identical twin sister

More from Kristie Bradley Photography:

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  1. I totally agree with not giving away your work Thank you for sharing!

  2. I have recently learned the same thing about giving freebies away when you first start out. Wish I had known it before!
    Great interview and wonderful images!
    BTW, I also love the beach but am afraid of what's in the water...lol
    Looking forward to reading these every week Kate :-)

  3. This is some good advice, with lovely photos!

  4. Thank you for your advice. Your work is beautiful!

    I am right there with you on the beach and ocean! My husband stepped on a stingray about 5 years ago... the stinger went 3/4 through his foot!! I haven't been back in yet! I still love to walk the beach and lay out though =)
