
Atlanta Photographers: NILMDTS

This comes from Beverly at Chuck Williams Photography:

ATLANTA PHOTOGRAPHERS.... I'm going to share this again, as lots of comments have been added and WE NEED MORE HELP! Please take the time to read this. If you are not a photographer, but know someone who is, please click "SHARE" and share this with them.

In the meantime, I encourage anyone reading this to Visit the website for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. It's an amazing organization of which I am proud to be a part. At the request of a family who loses a child at birth, we go in and photograph the baby and the family together, as they will never take their baby home and these are the only professional images they will ever have of this child.

These babies are precious....they are like sweet, sleeping babies. They are "people" - they have a name...they are loved. And when we go in to photograph them, we love them and talk to them just as if they were sleeping.

If you have ever experienced the loss of a baby or a child, you will know how much a parent appreciates this service. The photographers are all volunteers. We volunteer our time, our services and it's a heartfelt mission for us. You wouldn't think that in this day and time there would be many babies that die at birth...Unfortunately that is not the case. Sometimes we get multiple calls in the same day for hospitals right around here. And unfortunately, because we don't have enough help, sometimes we have to tell the parents that there's not a photographer available.

So, If you're a photographer and you think this is something you might be able to do, PLEASE reach out to Jessica Ball Duplantis, Angie Thompson, Stuart Hasson who are coordinators for Atlanta. If I can help you, I'd be happy to as well. Contact NILMDTS now!

If you're interested, click on Beverly's name above, or you can contact NILMDTS directly.


  1. Such a great organization. I'm nervous and excited to someday work with them. I hope you find people in your area willing to help!

  2. I volunteer for 2 others, this is next on my list. Also being there on a personal level when my daughter lost her twins at 20 weeks, I know those photos I took are priceless to both her and me.
    Great post, I hope you get lots of response!

  3. I do not shoot for NILMDTS but I can tell you, as a mom who thought she was going to lose her baby, how important this is. I wish you luck finding volunteers, and if you are a photographer on the fence, DO IT!! It will really make a difference.

  4. Such a great organization! I definitely encourage all photographers to get involved in a charity where you can impact lives with your talents.

  5. I would love to do this and be a part of this organization. I don't know if I have the strength to do so, though. This tears me up just to even think about trying to be strong enough to photograph a precious child gone from this world. I know the gift to the family would be such a treasure, but I need to get past my own selfishness first, I suppose. I need to be stronger!
